We can’t do it without you.


Volunteer With Us!

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

We’re always on the look out for folks who are interested in the following. If you see anything that resonates with you, fill out our volunteer form and we’ll be in touch!

Board Positions

  • Match Secretary - assist in coordinating and organizing our leagues

  • Equipment Manager - maintain and coordinate equipment between league and pick-up nights

  • Social Chair - manage our social media presence and our social event outings

No experience required - time commitment varies but on average 2-3 hours/week, including 1.5 hour board meetings every other month.

At Large Volunteers

  • Referees - get trained to be a referee and we will reimburse the WI certificate program

  • Social Ambassadors - share our social media posts/opportunities

  • Event and Outreach - table at events, pass out or hang up flyers, spread the good word of MGFC

  • League Ambassadors - join us at pick-up or league nights to help set up, welcome folks and check in players